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Mountain Top Mushrooms

Black King Mushrooms

Black King Mushrooms

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Regular price $8.00 USD
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The black king mushroom, also known as the black trumpet mushroom or black trumpet chanterelle, is scientifically classified as Craterellus cornucopioides. It is notable for its unique appearance and distinct flavor profile. Here's a description of the black king mushroom:


  • The black king mushroom has a funnel-shaped or trumpet-like cap with a wavy or irregular edge.
  • Its color can range from dark brown to almost black, with a velvety or matte texture.
  • The underside of the cap is typically smooth and may have a lighter coloration compared to the top.

Texture and Flavor:

  • Black king mushrooms have a delicate, thin flesh that is tender yet firm.
  • They have a rich, earthy flavor with subtle hints of nuttiness and woodiness.
  • The aroma of black king mushrooms is often described as fragrant and slightly fruity, reminiscent of apricots.

Culinary Uses:

  • Black king mushrooms are highly valued in culinary circles for their unique flavor and texture.
  • They are often used in gourmet dishes, sauces, and soups, where their distinctive taste can shine.
  • These mushrooms pair well with a variety of ingredients, including meats, poultry, seafood, herbs, and spices.
  • Black king mushrooms can be sautéed, roasted, grilled, or used in risottos, pasta dishes, and omelets to add depth and complexity to the dish.

Harvesting and Availability:

  • Black king mushrooms are typically foraged from the wild, often in wooded areas with rich, moist soil.
  • They are more prevalent in certain regions and climates, particularly in temperate forests.
  • While they can sometimes be found fresh in specialty markets during their growing season, they are also available dried, which preserves their flavor and allows for year-round use.

Overall, the black king mushroom is prized by chefs and food enthusiasts alike for its unique appearance, complex flavor profile, and culinary versatility. Whether enjoyed as a featured ingredient or used to enhance other dishes, it adds a touch of gourmet flair to any culinary creation.

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