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World of Wood Gems and Minerals

Mushroom Grow Kit

Mushroom Grow Kit

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Regular price $30.00 USD
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A mushroom grow kit is a convenient and user-friendly way to cultivate mushrooms at home. Here's a description of what typically comes in a mushroom grow kit:

  1. Growing Substrate: The kit usually contains a pre-prepared growing substrate, which serves as the medium for the mushrooms to grow. This substrate is often a mixture of organic materials such as sawdust, straw, or grain, inoculated with mushroom spawn.

  2. Mycelium: The substrate is already inoculated with mushroom mycelium, the vegetative part of the fungus that will eventually develop into mushrooms. The mycelium appears as a network of fine white threads spread throughout the substrate.

  3. Instructions: Find a place for your grow kit where it will be out of direct sunlight. Mushrooms like to fruit in a temperature range between 65-75 degrees, this can vary between species. Cut a hole in the bag approximately 1 to 2 inches just under the seal at the top of the bag. Using purified water in a spray bottle, spray water into the bag 3 to 4 times a day. You can expect to use about less than 1 gallon of water for the first flush.

  4. Wait for Mushrooms to Form: Over the course of several weeks, the mycelium will colonize the substrate and eventually produce mushroom fruiting bodies. Mushrooms typically begin to form within 1-2 weeks after setting up the kit.

  5. Harvesting: Once the mushrooms have fully developed and the caps begin to flatten out, they are ready to be harvested. Open the top of the bag to harvest the mushrooms. Use a harvesting knife or scissors to cut the mushrooms at the base of the stems.

  6. Repeat Harvests: After harvesting the first flush of mushrooms, the kit may continue to produce additional flushes over several weeks or months, depending on the specific kit and growing conditions. To help the mycelium continue to produce, scrape the top layer of mycelium off the top of the block. Flip the block upside down in the bag. Fold the top of the bag over a couple of times and hold close with a paper clip or clothespin. Continue watering 3 to 4 times a day by opening the bag and resealing each time.

Overall, a mushroom grow kit provides an accessible and enjoyable way to experience the process of growing your own mushrooms at home, with the reward of harvesting fresh and delicious mushrooms for culinary use.


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